For 30 years I had the good fortune of working exclusively for National Geographic. My assignments varied from undersea to aerial photography and from people to complex science subjects while working in over 75 countries. During that time over 2,000 of my images appeared in their publications and many of them became memorable to me. Friends, who have encouraged me to share some of the stories and lessons I've learned, are the incentive for this website.
In the Selected Photos section, you'll find links to some interesting photos and how they were made. This section also includes links to photographs discussed in my monthly column in "Digital Photo" magazine.
The gallery section features a selection of my images available for purchase. As you browse this gallery, you can click on any image to view it larger. You'll find a small speaker icon on some of them. Click on the icon to hear my voice describing that particular photo.

All photographs and text on this website are protected under United States
and International copyright laws.
Any unauthorized use will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Please read the full copyright notice for
further details.